
Theme Installation

Since it is the same procedure for every theme, this tutorial does not explain how to install the theme. If you need help with the theme installation, please see the Install WordPress themes tutorial.


  1. To customize the theme go to the page ‘Customize’ in your site dashboard.
  2. Then select the panel ‘Theme Settings’
  3. You can customize the ‘Home page’ & ‘Footer’
  4. For customize the ‘Home Page’, you need create a home page with Template -> ‘Home Page’, and then Set the page as WordPress Homepage

Page Templates

When you make a new page will see the template to choose any one from this list :

Create contact form

Here is demo for this page.

  1. Go to your setting form like example
  2. Use the Contact Form 7
  3. Go to Form setting and put the below code like image

<div class="field is-grouped">
  <div class="control is-expanded">
    [text* your-name class:input placeholder "Name"]
  <div class="control is-expanded">
    [email* your-email class:input placeholder "Email"]
<div class="field">
  <div class="control">
    [text* your-subject class:input placeholder "Subject"]
<div class="field mb-6">
  <div class="control">
    [textarea* your-message class:textarea placeholder "Write something..."]
<div class="field my-5">
  <div class="control has-text-centered">
    [submit class:button class:is-primary "Submit"]