Awesome Icons
Easily insert and customize icon in post, page and menu
Live Demo
Try to change options and see the result
These are not all settings. The item has many more flexible display settings.
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-bomb size="nm"
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-bullhorn color="#dd3333"
size="nm" align="aligncenter"]
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-external-link color="#2d7bbf" size="nm"
align="aligncenter" link=""
Hover link
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-external-link-square
color="#1c1c1c" size="nm" align="aligncenter"
link="" target="_blank" hover="#bc1e0d"]
None, Left, Center, Right
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-align-center color="#eeee22"
size="lg" align="aligncenter"]
Animation On Hover
[wow-icons lib=gmi name=pets color="#dd9933"
size="nm" align="aligncenter" animation="flipInY" on="hover" delay="0"
Animation On Click
[wow-icons lib=gmi name=android color="#81d742"
size="nm" align="aligncenter" hover="#43963c" animation="zoomIn" on="click"
Animation On Scroll
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-cloud-upload color="#eeee22" size="nm"
align="aligncenter" animation="fadeInUp" on="load" delay="3"]
Tooltip Top
Tooltip Right
Tooltip Bottom
Tooltip Left
Shape Circle
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-gitlab color="#eeee22"
size="nm" align="aligncenter" shape="circle" shapecol="#000000"]
Shape Square
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-font-awesome
color="#1e73be" size="nm" align="aligncenter" shape="square" shapecol="#eeee22"]
Shape Rounded
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-automobile
color="#000000" size="nm" align="aligncenter" shape="rounded" shapecol="#81d742"]
Outline Circle
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-signing color="#dd3333"
size="nm" align="aligncenter" shape="c-outline" shapecol="#81d742" animation="flash"
on="hover" delay="0"]
Outline Square
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-arrows color="#000000"
size="nm" align="aligncenter" shape="s-outline" shapecol="#1e73be" animation="wobble"
on="hover" delay="0" hover="#81d742"]
Outline Rounded
[wow-icons lib=fa name=fa-balance-scale
color="#81d742" size="nm" align="aligncenter" shape="r-outline" shapecol="#eeee22"
animation="pulse" on="hover" delay="0" title="It's me" position="left" width="100"]
what you get
Awesome Features
9 Great icon fonts
More 2500 icons
70+ Animation
Customize Style
Change color, size, align, background.
Insert the link to the icon.
Set the tooltip for icon.
Insert anywhere
Insert icons where you want via shortcodes: in post, page or menu.
W3C Valid Code
Lifetime Free Updates
Never pay for an update.
Customer Support
Friendly customer support.